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Providing Cutting-Edge Cancer Research Services Across Europe
canSERV is an EU-funded project under the Horizon Europe programme that provides cutting edge, interdisciplinary and customised oncology services across the entire cancer continuum. The aim is to offer a comprehensive portfolio of oncology-related research services available to all scientists in EU member countries, associated countries and beyond.
The project unites a multidisciplinary consortium of 18 European partners, consisting of Research Infrastructures, key organisations in the field of oncology, project management and sustainability experts.
canSERV is coordinated by Prof. Jens K Habermann BBMRI-ERIC and brings together 13 research infrastructures and their connected service providers all across Europe with a total EU-funding of €14,8 million.
Do you need specific support in analysing your samples or data, planning or conducting clinical studies – in the framework of cancer research? Then please check out our CALLS and apply now for the service or training, canSERV offers.
News and Updates
Facts and Numbers
Research Infrastructures
€ Million Budget
Service Provider
The canSERV consortium will meet the needs of academic and industry users from the EU to create a more effective, streamlined and defragmented European oncology research infrastructure landscape.
